Sunday, July 29, 2012





先說第一件事吧。22-6-2012,星期五,我參加了即席演講比賽,很意外地獲得了季軍。它甚至讓我難以置信得與報告成績的司儀再三確認成績、興奮得流眼淚。那天,我老早就約好了我的好友與“他”到Mid Valley去逛街、聊天。本來這麼意外的得到這一個獎項是非常讓人感到高興、興奮的,然而,之後卻發生了一件足以破壞這種感覺的事...





之後,我再也沒有看見他在FB上線,認為他因為忙而上不了線。直到有一天,他在玩FB遊戲的時候,無意中send了我一個game request。我才知道,他一直都在線上,只是選擇appear offline罷了...










她:Hey, I think I owe you an answer right...Since we're close enough, I think I can tell you everything from the starting to the very end without any problems.Just tell me when you're free.
她:Remember you asked me a question two days ago and I didn't even give any respond on it
我:I knew that it was me... Feel free to tell me any time if u feel that it is a right time to do so...
她:I can already be honest to the one that I'm close to, so you too.I know it hurts you,SORRY~You never thought that I'll be talking about you like this right,we trust each other alot,you told most of the things in your daily life to me,so I must tell you those things that keep on spinning in my head recently
我:Ok. Just tell in the way that u feel comfortable with
她:you're not angry right?Or maybe you should 
我:Just tell me what's going on first
  • 她:I think you a bit mengabaikan other juniors' feelings
  • So do the seniors,although they didn't really complain but I know them better than you since I'm always on duty with them.
  • I think personal feelings shouldn't be added in works
  • Can we talk through skype.
  • 我:Like?
  • Not really cuz my phone's skype have some problem and my bro is using the computer now
  • Sorry
    她 should pay same attentions to all the juniors

    • 她:Nah,not a big deal for me.I can type using my phone
    • And one thing,don't keep on repeating the same line in front of X1(代號), about you're going to vote X2(代號) as the next ALK because maybe you don't understand her that well

      • 我:Continue with your story
      • Did i?

        • 她:yes,you did.whenever we start to talk about the next ALK
        • She's quite sensitive like me,you keep on reminding her that you're going to vote X2 as the next ALK,she will think about what for she worked so hard for Koperasi for the pass 20+months
        • And try to communicate not only to one junior but others too,they're all the same.Don't judge a book by its cover.Some that we thought she'll be doing really bad turns out to be be better than what we'd expected and those we we expected to see their great performances ever since they interviewed turns out to be worse than what we'd expected
          我:Go on
          她:mostly is like that.Oh yeah,although you're ketua,I can't go against your will but let me tell you something,I don't think she can be the next ALK,she's showing quite poor performances whenever you're not here,this is a serious matter.
          我:Who? X2?
          她:yea.So I hope you don't see things through the surface,explore it and you'll see some other things at the inner side of one.I know you're elder and having more experiences than me but I just couldn't keep it to myself.Talking bad about you behind your back, what for?this is a serious matter,it involves the whole koperasi

          • I think that's all.I'll tell you more if I remember anything that I wanna add on
          • Recently you'd became more to the feeling side,you choose the one you like instead of the one that shows a really good performances.
            她:what example do you want
            我:As in like... What have i done that made u feel that i follow my feeling to do stuffs recently?
            她:How should I say's like you're very determined on your decision
            我:Well, i'm just asking. Have u ever thought that u MIGHT be misunderstood on this matter?

            • 她:Maybe I was wrong but I hope this wouldn't affect our friendship.I still prefer our friendship,you know the talk nonsense, updating the latest news of your daily life, crapping all along the way's friendship 
            • Let's go for yuen yueng after my trials  You belanja me 












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